
vBulletin Modifikationen

Sicherlich kennen die einen oder anderen Surfer mich, durch meine Admintätigkeiten in vBulletin Internetforen. Angefangen habe ich beim D2Network als Moderator und wurde relativ schnell Admin. Eingeschränkt konnte ich dort bereits erste Änderungen an den Codedateien vornehmen.
Aufgrund persönlicher Differenzen mit dem damaligen Staff verlies ich das Forum, und gründete die Seite Civ3D, an der ich endlich alle Veränderungen am Code durchführen durfte die ich wollte. Seit dieser Zeit bin ich auch regelmäsig bei vBulletin.org zu sehen.
Seit dem 24. Juli 2002 bin ich offiziell Mitglied bei vbulletin.org, als Moderator, und seit dem 10. März 2003 bin ich Webmaster und Administrator derselben.

Das installieren der von mir hier angegebenen Codeveränderungen geschieht auf eigene Verantwortung. Falls Problem auftreten sucht bitte auf vBulletin.org nach einer Lösung. Die Hacks sollten auch mit anderen Versionen funzen, die vB Version besagt mit welcher Version sie geschrieben wurden.
Alle Links zeigen auf den jeweiligen Thread auf vbulletin.org, damit wirklich nur lizensierte User meine Hacks Downloaden können!!!
vB Version Hack Titel Beschreibung released
2.3.x Faster change of forumpermissions Such a system has been requested several times, and now i've coded it.

With this hack you can change the forumpermissions of a usergroup for all forums at once, or change the forumpermissions of one forum for all usergroups at once.

the permission form is also created dynamical, so whenever you add a permission into the database (like canviewtitles or whatever) you can imediately use it with my forms.

Screenshots are following

Hack version 2.02
Known Bugs: None
Planned upgrades: none for now
2.2.x Custom Postbit for every User After the one Day Beta-Version i've finished the Hack so i can release it now.

Hack Version: 1.20b

Additional Queries in showthread.php: 1

What it does: It gives users the Ability to choose between custom postbits instead of just the one global postbit (or more if you have different styles).
Also it allows users to create their own custom postbits using html-code (These must be validated by an admin before they can use them)
It also gives you the ability to create a postbit just a special usergroup or just a special user can use.

I think i've tested every little option, but if you find a bug please tell me.

Please click install if you use the hack.

Some additions:
in cpostbit.php you find this lines to allow users wether to choose a custom postbit or to create new ones:
// Usergroups which can use custom postbits
$canusecpb="2 5 7 6";
// Usergroups which can create own custom postbits
$cancreatecpb="2 5 7 6";

people who installed the beta version should run installcpb.php?action=unstall&killbeta=1 before installing the hack.

screenshots following
2.2.x Mods can edit Users With this Hack your Mods can edit really everything of a user account, nearly as much as an Admin can! (Changing usergroups....)

But it is very customizable, too. If you don't want em to change usergroups, then they can't. Or you can define which usergroups they can move the users into..

Also if you add if-clauses in the front section to the hack, you can customize it to which of your mod can modify which fields..

this block in front of the hack code defines nearly everything you need to customize the hack:

$canedit[addresses]=1; // HP, Email, ICQ, AIM ...
$canedit[avatars]=1; // 0 Cant edit, 1 Can edit, 2 Can upload custom avatars
$canedit[changegroups]=0; // Mods can move users from one group to another (just groups included in $canedit[usergroupids])
$canedit[usergroupids]="1 2 3 4 10 11"; // Which usergroups can be edited

Screenshots in following Posts
2.2.x Template Importer Version: 1.0

This miniaddon i've coded last night, for another hack i'm currently working on, but then i thought it might be usefull for quite more users so i release it seperatly.

What it does?
It's a small script you have to run from your Admin-CP. You can enter a filename of a *.tpl-file (Template file formate by me ;)) and it'll add the Template to the global template set.
As you can see this can be very usefull if you have a lot of template sets and want to add a new hack which comes a long with much templates....

If the template already exists, it'll ask you if the new one should overwrite the old.

Because the Addon adds templates to the global set, you have to rerun it with every template file again after you've done an upgrade.

Personally i made it just for installing new templates that comes within a new hack, it has nothing to do with a backupsystem. If you want to export templates and import them again later you should use this hack by FireFly.

I don't think i would add something to the hack, but feel free to make suggestions ;)

Zipfile contains:
tplimporter.php - the script (upload it to your admin folder)
tplimporter.txt - installation textfile and *.tpl file description
test.tpl - a *.tpl file so you can see how they should look ;)

2.2.x Forums arranged in columns on forumhome As requested several times, this hack allows you to arrange forums on forumhome in xx columns instead of just one per row as it now.

You have to set up a new category(s). All direct subforums to this category(s) will be arranged in columns.
It can be very usefull if you have very much Subforums, so you haven't to scroll as much as you have before

Newest Version: 1.21
Known Bugs: none

Screenshots below.

Design can be changed in templates..

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